Hello Senior Strings!

The updated marking sheets are available through the Strings tab at the top of the page. 

Please be aware that the performance requirements have changed slightly. Each group is required to perform both the Moldau Theme (#73 memorized first 8 bars with repeat) and their original 16 bar composition; the performance of the Moldau will not be done as a whole class performance. 
I would ask that a member from each group brings me a copy of their piece at the beginning of lunch on Thursday so that I can photocopy it for my records, and to save time at the beginning of class.

I know this is something that is new and different for you. Please commit to doing a good job. Work before school tomorrow (I have vocal tests so the classroom is open to get instruments) and during lunch. As well, you can sign out instruments and practice after school too. 

Good Luck!
Mrs. O